Bulletin 113 - 06 Nov 2020

Section 2: Non-clinical items

Laptops – remember to connect regularly to the network

All laptops need to be regularly connected to the network (at least once a month) to make sure that they are still recognised and that all updates/patches are applied. A number of practices have recently reported their laptops not working. These laptops were received and then stored and not switched on; as it has been more than 90 days they will no longer be recognised on the network. If any practice has a laptop that has fallen off the network, please report this through the Countywide IT service desk (ghn-tr.ITServiceDesk@nhs.net) for resolution.

Reporting IT issues

Please log all IT issues and requests through the Countywide IT Service helpdesk as this will allow calls to be logged, tracked or triaged for resolution. The GPIT team are monitoring calls on behalf of the CCG to prevent breeches or to escalate priorities in line with clinical need.

MJog urgent contract renewal recommendation

A number of practices (40) currently have an SMS patient messaging contract with MJog which ends on 30th November. This was a three year group contract with practices holding individual licences, and the CCG has handled the invoicing with the supplier.

The CCG is aware that a number of practices are now considering their options and recommends that practices move to a monthly rolling contract with the supplier for the next three months. This will allow the IT team to complete a countywide review of SMS platforms and understand the emerging pricing and procurement processes nationally. The CCG would like to form a similar group arrangement for the county, which should enable a better deal for practices and improved support.

The review has not been undertaken before now as a new national framework is due to be launched in January, and this is causing suppliers to alter their offerings and pricing. Regionally South West CCGs are in agreement that joined up procurement will achieve better value for money. If you have any queries, please contact glccg.glosicsdigitalpmo@nhs.net.

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