South West Ambulance Service have access to SCR

South West Ambulance Service (SWAST) now have access to Summary Care Record (SCR)

SWAST can now view SCRs and have requested that practices increase the number of patients with Summary Care Records with additional information (SCR-AIs) across the South West so that they can provide better emergency care, and avoid the delivery of inappropriate or delayed care.

When a patient consents to including additional information in their SCR, their GP can add it simply by changing the consent status on the clinical system. This means more information will be available to health and care staff viewing the SCR. It will then be automatically updated when the GP record is updated. This is a quick, cost-effective way to:

·         improve the flow of information across the health and care system
·         increase safety and efficiency
·         improve care

It's particularly useful for people with complex or long term conditions, or patients reaching end of life.