Bulletin 139 - 12 Feb 2021

Section : Non-Clinical Items

Microsoft Office 2010 to be upgraded to N365 in all practices this year

Official support for Office 2010 has come to an end, which means the Digital Team at the CCG are in the process of rolling out the brand new N365 product to all GP practices in Gloucestershire. N365 is a version of Office 365 developed specifically for the NHS. The digital team are in the process of testing the system with two practices (Hadwen Medical Practice and Aspen Medical Centre). Should this be successful, it is anticipated that the rollout will begin in March, with all practice teams up and running by October 2021. Practices will be fully supported by the dedicated Digital Transformation Team, and there will be plenty of resources made available to make the transition as smooth as possible. For further information, contact Ian Short: Ian.Short2@nhs.net.

Upgrade to Identity Agent version 2.3

The identity agent is a component that is installed on every pc and laptop and acts as a point of access to spine systems. NHS Digital Identity Agent v2.3.0.0 is the preferred client as it compatible/warranted for support across the majority of current Operating Systems and components. NHS Digital have advised that Identity Agent v2.3.0.0 should be installed as soon as possible.

This will be remotely deployed by CITS at a time agreed with the practice. Devices will need to be switched on overnight to pick up the upgrade.

Don Clements from the GPIT team will be in touch with practices to schedule a suitable time for the upgrade.

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