Bulletin 143 - 2 Mar 2021

 Section 3 : Non-Clinical Items

High severity cyber risk

NHS Digital’s Cyber and Data Security Centre have alerted NHS organisations to a high severity cyber risk. We would like to advise everyone to be vigilant and to continue to adhere to good practice:

Do not open emails or click on attachments/files that you are not expecting, especially requests that appear urgent, ask for sensitive information or threaten a loss of access unless you comply with the contents. Never disclose your username or password.

Verify suspicious emails with a phone call using a number from a trusted source (internal directory or legitimate web site contact details) – do not reply to the email.

Report any suspected phishing/spam email to NHSmail at spamreports@nhs.net by attaching the suspicious email to a new email and sending – do not just forward it.

Always use strong and unique passwords to enhance protection for your accounts. Three unrelated words is best (using three of the following four conditions: uppercase, lowercase, number & special character) - for example:

 Hand-Post-Lawn

 Hand-post-lawn

 Handpostlawn1

 Handpostlawn$

 handpostlawn$1

Limit your web activity to work-related sites and do not download anything unless you have a legitimate business reason to do so.

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