Bulletin 33 - 27 Mar 20

Away From My Desk Tokens
Away From My Desk (AFMD) has been receiving a large volume of requests for new accounts, which is taking several days to set up. Users will be emailed with logon details when the accounts have been set up. We will share further communications to ascertain which users still need to use AFMD and the digital transformation team will ask which tokens have been assigned to users at a later date.

Microsoft Teams Available to Support Home Working
Microsoft Teams has been made urgently available to all NHS organisations to support the response to COVID-19. Microsoft Teams is a platform which enables the same features as Skype, supporting home-working whilst enabling us to engage with colleagues via video meetings, screen sharing, etc. Further information on Microsoft Teams is available here..........

Practice teams may like to setup at practice or PCN level, whichever they feel is most useful. To sign up for Microsoft Teams, please send the following information to scwcsu.glosdt@nhs.net:

  • Name of Team Owner – likely to be the practice manager in most cases
  • Name of Practice/PCN
  • Email address for Team Owner
Further information about logging in to Microsoft Teams and setting up your team will be made available to the nominated Team Owner who will have access to virtual training and online resources.

Information Governance FAQs
These FAQs summarise the key questions which have been asked by primary care colleagues.