Bulletin 35 - 31 Mar 2020

Advice on using video consultation systems
All general practices need to have the ability to carry out video consultations between patients
and clinicians. Advice from the NHSX Information Governance team is that it's fine to use video conferencing tools such as Skype, WhatsApp and Facetime as well as commercial products designed specifically for this purpose, particularly as a short-term measure. If you have any questions or concerns about using the technology, please contact the DPO regarding Information Governance queries. AccuRX are also now on the new NHS Digital Approved video consultations system list. Please note our Covid-19 pages on G-Care has a section specifically for remote consultations, which includes the latest blueprint for total triage from NHSE/I. 

Health and Social Care network update
Key infrastructure projects are still progressing at a slower pace due to engineers having been redeployed to provide technical support to COVID-19 IT operations. The Health and Social Care Network project is still a high priority project to deliver improving network capacity for practices. Practices awaiting installation of new BT telephone lines or fibres should leave these disconnected next to the existing BT/Comms cabinet. Countywide IT Services will have engineers (with ID) to chaperone BT engineers where possible. There will be no interruption to existing BTN3 connections, however please note that there may be minimal notice for attending as BT are prioritising NHS sites.

New laptops
Please log on to new laptops for the first time in the practice. You will then be able to take the laptop home and connect to your home network. When connecting at the practice, please connect to Gloucestershire Health Community Wi-Fi and not the practice Wi-Fi. Instructions are included with the laptop.

Security patching and updates
Countywide IT services are continuing to release patches and updates as part of the cyber initiatives to keep IT systems secure. Please ensure that devices, PCs and laptops are rebooted following updates at least once a day. Please ensure staff continue to monitor cyber security threats and mitigate any risks in the following areas:

  • Weak passwords or password theft
  • Phishing emails
  • Tailgaters at NHS sites and practice locations
  • Unlocked screens
  • Social engineering to manipulate staff in divulging confidential or personal information

For more information, visit: https://keepitconfidential.nhs.uk/