Bulletin 38 - 3 Apr 2020

ICE and Remote Access
GHT Pathology and Radiology services are planning to upgrade the ICE system in late April/early May. This will require a link to be changed as soon as possible within the GP clinical systems. Once changed, this will allow users to access ICE remotely outside of the practice location, and will work for the current and new upgraded version of ICE. This upgrade is required to ensure the resiliency of ICE, as the current version 5 is going out of support and the server hardware needs to be upgraded. This will also make sure that ICE continues to work following a change in the labs system later this year.

  • For Emis and Vision practices, the CCG / CSU Digital Team will be in contact in the coming week to guide you through the process.
  • For TPP Practices, we will be changing the link for everyone and testing with a sample of practices. 
A schedule will follow shortly.  Contact will be made with your practice leads to confirm the schedule for your practice and talk through the simple change. A follow-up notification of downtime and system access testing will be released before the main upgrade.

Microsoft Teams new features: Dial In
Team Audio Conferencing (Dial In) is now available within Microsoft Teams for a limited number of people per practice. This feature allows practice staff to dial into a Team’s meeting on a telephone, rather than using the mobile app or PC. If you wish to use this functionality please contact feedback@nhs.net providing the following details:

  • Organisation ODS code
  • Email accounts for the license to be enabled against

Please prioritise users in your practice who will require this feature due to the license pool being very limited. Those most likely to benefit from Dial In are those who are responsible for scheduling meetings where participants are expected to join the meeting without a computer.