Bulletin 39 - 6 Apr 2020

ReSPECT and Advance Care 
Planning amidst Covid-19. This update includes further information and guidance for GPs on entering Recommended Summary Plan of Emergency Care and Treatment (ReSPECT) Information into the GP Electronic Patient Record (SCR).

NHSE/I Digital Webinars
These webinars will run twice a week for the foreseeable future. Content may change week by week depending on guidance.

COVID-19 Helping practice staff make the most of digital services 7 April 2020 12:30pm – 1:00pm (10 minute presentation with 20 minutes Q&A) 

This will include: 

  • How to reduce footfall in the practice 
  • Total Triage First model 
  • Interim solutions
  • Making the most of the online services you already have (NHS app, GP online services) 
  • Remote vouching 
  • Sharing practice success stories 

It will not cover in-depth information on online consultations due to many suppliers running webinars at this present time or hardware and kits for remote working. 

COVID-19 Remote vouching for digital services 16 April 2020 4:30pm – 5:00pm (10 minute presentation with 20 minutes Q&A) 
This webinar is designed to help GP practices to: 

  • Minimise footfall into the practice 
  • Encourage uptake of online service 
  • Enable patients without ID to register for online servicesEmpower staff to agree a standard approach 

During the COVID-19 outbreak practices may use remote vouching to cover: 

  • Prescriptions 
  • Summary record access 
  • Test results 
  • Changing nominated pharmacy 
  • Appointments 
  • Telephone and video consultations