Bulletin 48 - 17 Apr 2020

Implementing total digital triage and online consultations

As Nikki Kanani and Ed Waller’s briefing referenced on 15 April 2020, nationally there has been a significant uptake of online consultations to support the total triage approach and NHSE/I have produced this guide to support all GP practices in England with the rapid implementation of a ‘total triage’ model using telephone and online consultation tools.

To help manage demand, reduce infection risk and reduce workload, the CCG is offering extended online consultation and digital triage support for practices. This is based on evidenced national, regional and local best practice. The package includes implementation support and training for online consultations, plus the funding of an established digital total triage solution used widely across the South West and London.

The CCG will now fund every practice to implement the eConsult online triaging tool. This is in  addition to supporting continued use of AccuRX (for video consultations and SMS) and upgrades to the improved version of Footfall. Practices yet to put in place Footfall, will be contacted by the project team in the coming week about implementing the upgraded Footfall product alongside eConsult. This letter sets out the support practices can expect from the CCG to implement this model, allowing patients to contact their practice both online and by