Bulletin 50 – 21 Apr 2020

GP Access to GHNHSFT’s Electronic Patient Record (EPR)

Following approval by the ICS Clinical Advisory Group, it has been agreed to rapidly roll out GP access to GHNHSFT’s Electronic Patient Record (EPR) by means of secure direct access to the hospital clinical system known as Sunrise EPR. The main driver behind this is so that practices can have real-time data of patients being discharged from hospital and, in particular, those who are COVID-19 positive and who may need further follow up in the short term. It will also allow GPs to follow a patient’s journey through the hospital if admitted with COVID-19 and to have knowledge as to whether their patient is in a ward or in critical care; this will clearly allow the practice to support the relevant family if appropriate.

This is very much an offer to practices and is not something that is being mandated although we do believe that all practices will find this potentially invaluable and so we strongly encourage uptake.

If practices are interested it would be helpful if a GP lead could be identified so that there could be a named contact within the practice for GHNHSFT’s IT team to liaise with. Could each nominated GP lead please contact Kevin Gannaway-Pitts in the CSU Primary Care Digital Transformation Team, in order to progress this further if so wished.

This is an important short term step to support practices in managing patients with COVID-19 in GHNHSFT or those recently discharged. GHNHSFT are committed to providing documentation electronically to practices such as discharge letters and outpatient letters and are actively working to enable this functionality as soon as possible. It is envisaged that this will be available shortly and we are working with the Trust to identify a date.

In addition, GHNHSFT and the JUYI team are working together to get Trakcare and ICE data into JUYI, which will be supported by the development of a link in EMIS and TPP to launch JUYI directly from the patient record within the clinical system. 

Electronic Prescription Service (EPS) Phase 4 now available for EMIS practices

With TPP sites now completed, this article concerns the switch on of EPS4 for EMIS practices. The key change with EPS4 is that the default route for all eligible prescriptions will be electronic. Where no nomination is in place (or the patient chooses not to use their nomination on that occasion) the patient will be given a token to take to an NHS England commissioned dispenser of their choice.

The prescription will be electronically signed and sent to the Spine. The prescribing system will default to print a token, which will be given to the patient if they were present, to take to a pharmacy of their choice. In scenarios where the patient is not present and cannot collect the token, they can still go to a pharmacy to ask them to download and dispense the prescription.

The EMIS page link with instructions on how an EMIS practice goes live with EPS4 has now been populated on the NHS Digital EPS Phase 4 website and can be found on G-Care