Bulletin 53 – 24 Apr 2020

Current issue with internet usage on work computers
We have recently seen unprecedented numbers of staff accessing internet sites remotely on the Gloucestershire network. This is starting to slow things down for web services, including some of our important clinical and information systems. Extra capacity is being put in place, but the lead times for this are not quick due to dependencies on external suppliers and their pressures.

To ensure IT systems work quickly and reliably, please follow these simple steps:

a) Only connect to the work network when you are working and turn off Wi-Fi when you don’t need it (e.g. when you are away from your desk).
b) Do not view videos on work machines unless it is absolutely essential to your work and you can’t use a personal device.
c) If you don’t have access to a personal device, don’t go on to social media and non-essential websites on a work device unless critical to your role.
d) Use our NHS Microsoft Teams app to chat, send large files and have online meetings. We have ‘whitelisted’ this service, so it won’t degrade our network.

By following these steps, it will help us to keep our health and care services delivering during this exceptional time.