Bulletin 55 – 28 Apr 2020

Privacy notices - Summary Care Record Additional Information
In yesterday’s bulletin, there was an update which outlined the temporary changes being made to the Summary Care Record (SCR) to make the Additional Information available to authorised health and care professionals. The Additional Information will be made available unless a patient has opted out, which they can continue to do in the usual way. In relation to this change, practices will need to provide patients with a supplementary privacy notice to cover these SCR changes. You will be aware from our bulletin of 14 April that NHSX has developed a privacy notice for use during the COVID-19 outbreak which outlines key changes in the way patient data may be used. For clarity practices should:
  • Retain their existing (pre-COVID-19) Privacy Notices.
  • Personalise and publish the NHSX template COVID-19 privacy notice
  • Publish the link to the SCR COVID-19 supplementary privacy notice

If you have any questions about the Privacy Notices please contact the DPO.

Keeping our practices and IT safe

As part of our CYBER programme, it is important that staff continue to help us protect our digital footprint in Gloucestershire, especially with home and remote working during this pandemic. Please follow these simple steps, which are important to protect patient data, keep services running and create a safe culture of good cyber practices:

Restart your PC each day and apply security updates

Without having the latest security updates, we are leaving our devices open to attack. Restarting your devices each day and applying security updates will keep the door shut and locked.

Weak passwords risk breaches in patient confidentiality

Passwords are the best form of defence that we have to prevent unauthorised access, so make sure you keep them private and out of sight of others. The longer and more complex your password, the more difficult it is to crack.

If an email looks untrustworthy, forward it to spamreports@nhs.net

Phishing happens when hackers and criminals send unsolicited emails that contain attachments or links to try and trick people into providing access to information such as patient data, health care records or details of IT systems. If an email looks untrustworthy (look out for typos, links and unofficial email addresses), forward it to spamreports@nhs.net and delete it.

Challenge before giving out information or giving new people access to secure areas

Social engineering involves criminals using tricks or deception to manipulate people into giving access to information such as patient data, health care records or details of IT systems. A social engineer might call and pretend to be a fellow employee or pose as a “friend” on social media channels. Challenge everyone who is unauthorised before giving out information or giving them access to secure areas. 

Total Triage/eConsult - Devon peer support meeting for GPs

Dr John McCormick (a GP who led the implementation of eConsult throughout Devon) is holding peer support group meetings via Microsoft Teams for GPs going through the implementation of Total Triage using eConsult, to help lead change based on his experience on the Devon accelerator project. The meetings will take place on Tuesdays from 12pm – 1pm for the next 2 weeks, starting 5th May. The agenda will be fluid, sharing lessons learned and issues people want to discuss. Please email scwcsu.glosdt@nhs.net to receive an invitation.