Bulletin 104 - 6 Oct 2020

Endpoint Protection Upgrade 12 October 2020

Countywide IT Services are due to update an important component of their endpoint protection system for Primary Care. In order to facilitate this update, can all Practices ensure devices are switched on for the morning of 12th October 2020.  This will allow for the update to be safely installed without detriment to services. 

If practices experience issues due to the upgrade, please contact the CIT service desk on 0300 422 2808 and a call will be immediately escalated to the Cyber Security team.

iPad Offer to Care Homes

NHSx and the Department of Health and Social Care are distributing 11,000 iPads to care homes across England to support remote health consultations. The aim is to target those care homes which are the least ‘digitally mature’. We are keen to ensure that any eligible Gloucestershire care homes are aware of the offer and to highlight any that are in particular need. If you are aware of any with particular challenges, please let us know so we can support them to complete the application. Please contact Sam.Howe@gloucestershire.gov.uk

To qualify for a device, care homes must:

  • Be at least partially NHS and/or local authority funded (care homes whose residents are entirely privately funded will be out of scope). Both care homes supporting older people and those with disabilities are in scope
  • Complete a short order form
  • Have less than one Apple or Android tablet device per 40 residents (some care homes may be eligible for more than one device)

Care homes are being informed about the offer and invited to apply through an order form. NHSX will analyse order form data and share this with local authority and NHS partners in October. Orders begin to be processed and devices delivered in November and December and there will be training webinars for care homes.

Care homes should apply by 23rd October 2020: https://www.smartsurvey.co.uk/s/NHSX_iPad_offer/

IT Training Requirements Survey

As things are changing very rapidly in primary care, the SCW IT training team want to react quickly to provide the support you need to meet challenges. They would be grateful if you could please complete a very quick three-question survey which will help the team to meet you IT training needs.

EMIS training needs survey

SystmOne training needs survey

Vision training needs survey

Digital Nurse Network Webinar

The Digital Nurse Network is running its 20th webinar on Wednesday 7th October 2020 from 1-2pm. Please see agenda below:

·  Drive thru influenza clinics - feedback from the frontline 

·  Video Group Clinics - a case study 

·  Infection, Prevention and Control - update from the national team 

·  Network updates - remote monitoring, update from Healthy Hyde case study, video consultation update and more. 

Join by booking your place click here: 


If you are interested in joining the network as a member then please email digitalnursenetwork@nhsx.nhs.uk for more information. 

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