Bulletin 60 – 6 May 2020

Clinical Advice and Assessment Service (CCAS) update
In our bulletin on 29 April we advised that Gloucestershire had not yet made the COVID Clinical Assessment Service (CCAS) appointments live due to further information being required from the national team. We would like to reassure practices that the service will not be launched before the bank holiday weekend (8 May) and consideration will be given to launching the service next week. We will continue to keep you updated.

GP Access to GHNHSFT’s Electronic Patient Record (EPR)
Our communications in issue 54 on 27th April and issue 50 on 21st April invited practices to request access to Sunrise accounts to give them digital access to COVID-19 related hospital admission and discharge information.

To date, 45 practices have responded to our invitation and 261 accounts have been set up. Including the four pilot practices, we now have 49 practices with access and 282 GPs have accounts. The IT team are contacting the 24 practices that have not yet responded. Feedback has been positive, with practices reporting that they find it very helpful to be able to see which patients are in hospital and for obtaining discharge information.

If you would like to request access to Sunrise, please contact using this link (requests for accounts are for GPs only).

IT Support for General Practice
The CSU Digital Team has been rolling out an extensive programme to deliver laptops and accessories to practices. Whilst working with practices, the team has been helping to resolve issues thanks to the available engineer resource.

Going forward, practices should log all IT incidents through the Countywide IT Service (details below) and a member of the GPIT team will ensure issues are resolved within the SLA timeframe. The CSU DT Team would like to thank practices for their co-operation during these circumstances.

Contact: ghn-tr.ITServiceDesk@nhs.net or phone 0300 422 2808.

Cyber update – to click or not to click?
The cyber team are flagging potential malicious traffic through the monitoring of internet traffic. In some cases the justification of work-related activity is vital for clinical use; however you should think before you click following these simple guidelines:

Do not click links within an e-mail that you are at all suspicious of;
 What looks like a legitimate hyperlink can be a disguised link to a malicious website;
When in doubt, hover your mouse over the text of the hyperlink to see the full URL, which will help to show whether it leads to a legitimate website;
 Research suggested hyperlinks using a search engine before going to sites you have not used before;
 If you receive an e-mail from someone you know with apparent nonsensical or out of character text, don’t click on it – please report it.