Bulletin 62 – 13 May 2020

Laptops and associated equipment
The Digital Transformation team distributed further new laptops to practices last week and is now reviewing additional equipment requirements. A number of factors in relation to video consultation equipment are being worked through. The team are also finalising Away from my Desk and desktop licences with the supplier, so may be in touch with practices about this in the near future.

Health and Social Care Networks update
In issue 49 on 20 April, we advised that there had been delays with the delivery of health and social care networks (HSCN). NHS Digital and BT have now agreed to escalate installation timescales for practices in Gloucestershire, and BT will be working with BT Openreach to install new network lines into practices over the next couple of weeks. Practices are asked to be as flexible as possible to accommodate engineers carrying out this work. In order to maximise engineer resources in an area, it is not always possible for BT Openreach to notify practices of their visit in advance; for example, if an engineer finishes early at a practice, they may move on to a nearby practice. If an engineer does turn up unannounced, please notify the Countywide IT Service as soon as possible on 07752 020261. The project team will, however, endeavour to give practices as much notification as possible of appointments.

FAO TPP practices only – to support bulk upload of Summary Care Records (AIs)
TPP have been asked to upload Summary Care Records (SCR) Additional Information to patients’ SCRs without changing SCR consent preferences. While this rule has been implemented and over 17 million patients now have an enriched SCR, the overnight upload process only works if the practice has their ‘Gateway PC’ open.  TPP have found a number of scheduled practices have closed their gateways and the upload cannot take place, which has slowed the overall upload rate for the TPP estate. To help support the bulk upload, TPP would like to request that Gloucestershire TPP GP practices ensure their gateway PCs are left running overnight to support the successful process for uploading SCRs.