Bulletin 64 - 18 May 2020

GPES data collection will reduce burden on GP practices

A Data Provision Notice (DPN) is being issued to all GP practices in England following a request for support from the British Medical Association (BMA) and the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP).  This informs GPs that we are centralising the collection and dissemination of data from practices for research and planning purposes into COVID-19.

Data will be collected on a fortnightly basis using the existing GP Extraction Service (GPES) infrastructure.  We are asking all general practices to comply with this DPN by registering their participation on the Calculating Quality Reporting Service (CQRS) in the normal way by Wednesday 27 May 2020.

To keep your patients informed of these changes, you should update your practice transparency notice on your website with the new supplementary text.

NHS Digital’s legal power to collect the data is provided under COVID-19 Public Health Directions and the data will be collected and managed in accordance with NHS Digital’s strict information governance and security protocols. The data collection will continue until 30 September 2020 and will be reviewed before then. If there is a continued need for the data for COVID-19 purposes it will continue with six monthly reviews until the expiry of the Direction which is currently 31 March 2022.

If you need any further information, please contact enquiries@nhsdigital.nhs.uk 

e-RS can now be used for more routine referrals

NHS England and Improvement advised GPs that referrals to secondary care should continue to be made as normal and to use advice and guidance to reduce unnecessary referrals to hospital, where possible.  Hospitals have also been advised that in order to support this, they must ensure that their services remain available on the NHS e-Referral Service (e-RS) for GPs to make referrals into.

For GPs, this means more routine referrals can start being made via e-RS in the normal way.  Our website provides new guidance that sets out the various features of e-RS that can help everyone safely manage the referral process according to clinical priority.

For instance, GPs can use the Advice and Guidance function within e-RS to seek advice from a secondary care consultant. This often means a referral may not be required and can help reduce unnecessary referrals to secondary care.

If you have any queries, please contact enquiries.ers@nhs.net

SystmOne practices: leave your Gateway PCs on to upload SCR additional information 

To help the NHS to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, we are now including additional information in Summary Care Records (SCRs) for patients by default, unless they have previously told the NHS that they did not want their information to be shared.  If you are using TPP SystmOne in your practice, it is essential that you leave your ‘Gateway PC’ on overnight to successfully upload these SCR additional information records. You need to do this each night until the end of May, when the upload process will be complete.

You can check which PC is currently setup as your Gateway by going to Audit > User > User Logins within SystmOne, where you will find a column for ‘Gateway’. The PC set up as your Gateway will have a tick in this column. Usually, this is the PC where scanning is done.  If you have any queries, please contact liveservices.operations@nhs.net.