Bulletin 70 - 5 Jun 2020

Digital transformation – Next Steps Following the rapid deployment of laptops and software into practices during the pandemic period, the Digital Transformation team is now considering the most effective way to utilise the laptops within Primary Care to enable clinicians to work from any location and make full use of the hardware and software in the most efficient way for delivering clinical care. 

This is a change for practices, and there are other changes on the horizon such as the deployment of new networks (HSCN), migration to single domain and upgrades to Windows10. 

The deployment presents the Digital Transformation team with technical challenges and opportunities that they would like to explore with practices through organised engagement sessions. Whilst appreciating that all practices operate differently, the team needs to standardise the delivery of hardware and software to meet your operating models in practice. This will allow the team to manage costs, standardise support and maintenance and ensure they keep practices safe from malicious cyber-attacks.

Your involvement is vitally important in supporting the change and the team would welcome your views to support how they shape the delivery of the change, which aligns to the principles developed in the Primary Care Strategy. 

Discussion regarding options will commence at the primary care digital group on 9th June; please share your thoughts and views by emailing: scwcsu.glosdt@nhs.net

Total Triage update
The Total Triage project has been in progress for over three months and The Digital Transformation Team would like to thank you for being so helpful and accommodating whilst they were rolling out eConsult and Footfall to practices.
The team is pleased to share the latest total triage figures for the county:

  • 52 practices live with Footfall
  • 22 practices live and a further 23 implementing eConsult
  • 11 practices live with both Footfall & eConsult
  • All practices live with AccuRx

We are very pleased with this progress and hope it will make a difference in how you manage your workload and allow patients online access. If you would like to implement eConsult or like to upgrade your Footfall website please let the team know at scwcsu.glosdt@nhs.net

There is also a new page on G-Care where you can find out more about Total Triage, along with resources, guides, video/webinar links etc.