Bulletin 82 - 14 Jul 2020

Scheduling GP surgeries for HSCN Migration
General practices in Gloucestershire are undergoing a significant programme of IT improvement work to upgrade ‘BTN3’ network links to ‘HSCN’ (the Health and Social Care Network). The upgrade will provide practices with a more reliable, resilient and faster access to practice systems, spine services and the internet.

The HSCN project team has completed a significant amount of circuit installation and is entering the final migration phase; this will require the project team to agree dates and times to migrate BTN3 connections to the new HSCN connection, which is expected to start at the end of July.

The IT project team will contact practices to agree a two-hour window for BT and CITS engineers to attend premises to migrate connections, check that the network connection on each PC is working and test all applications and systems. They will give as much notice as possible. During the two hour period, IT systems will not be available whilst connections are moved.

For larger surgeries and those with branch surgeries, the project team will require between three and five hours for both main and branch surgeries to migrate at the same time. It is likely that this work will be performed out of hours or during the weekend.

The project team will cease old BTN3 circuits and remove old equipment to complete the upgrade. If you have any queries, please contact Martyn Hebbron, IT Programme Manager on 07752 020261 / Martyn.Hebbron@nhs.net