Digital Transformation Programme

GP Online services provide patients with the option to book, view, amend, cancel and print appointments; using computers, tablets or smartphones.

Making patient’s health records available to them is seen as an important step in empowering patients to take greater control of their own personal health and wellbeing.  Online access keeps patients informed and encourages them to be involved in decisions about their care and treatment; to enhance the quality of care provided by practices.

The guidance from NHS England is that practices should increase the percentage of their patients using online services to 30%. In addition, the five year framework includes the following:

·         All patients will have online access to their full record, including the ability to add their own information; as the default position from April 2020. In addition, new registrants will have full online access to prospective data from April 2019; subject to existing safeguards for vulnerable groups, third party confidentiality and system functionality. The prospective records access guidance and joint statement (NHSE and BMA) has now been published and is available via the link below:

·         All practices will be offering and promoting electronic ordering of repeat prescriptions and using electronic repeat dispensing for all patients for whom it is clinically appropriate, as a default from April 2019.

·         All practices will ensure at least 25% of appointments are available for online booking by July 2019. This is staging post towards a shared ambition that all patients should have the maximum possible access to online appointment booking.  The guidance released states that a contractor must ensure that a minimum of 25% of its appointments per day during core hours are made available for online booking, whether or not those appointments are booked online, by telephone or in person.

Do you need support or help to achieve your 25% of online bookable appointments? Either contact the team or visit this link