GPIT Infrastructure - Information Technology Technical Updates

Single Domain Project has been paused whilst a number of issues from the first site deployments are resolved.  We need and value your feedback in order that we can address concerns and ensure that the launch of the project going forward has addressed the issues highlighted to date.  The Single Domain will deliver technology that is fit for the future and support surgeries with delivering of patient care.

Windows 10 has continued to be rolled out across Primary Care sites as part of the Digital Roadmap.  It is imperative that we move to updated operating systems and realise the benefits of robust security tools as part of the upgrade to protect surgeries from Cyber Attacks.  Patching and updating is a requirement of day to day technology and using Windows10 will allow end points to be managed more effectively in the future.

HSCN Is your practice network slow? BT N3 is being replaced by the Health & Social Care Network (HSCN), which will give practices greater bandwidth. Engineers have started to work on the Primary Care network estate and the first practices are planning to migrate to the HSCN network in early Feb 2020.  We are aware that a number of practices are reporting slowness with networks to Countywide IT Services.  On investigation, engineers have found that this is down to current networks being maxed out due to the increase of online activity.  Please continue to report these issues to the Countywide IT services helpdesk to ensure lines can be checked for other faults that might be causing slowness.  HSCN will resolve the capacity issues on networks, which is currently in deployment.