Bulletin 85 - 24 Jul 2020

AwayFromMyDesk – AFMD Tokens
After Friday 7 August, all Away From My Desk (AFMD) users will need to use a token in addition to their username and password to access AFMD. The only exception will be those practices that have opted out of using tokens with AFMD. 

Please email emma.corrigan3@nhs.net with your users’ details to ensure that the tokens are activated with AFMD or if you require tokens to be sent to your practice. If you have AFMD tokens in your practice that are not being used, please send these back to Sanger House c/o Emma Corrigan.

All laptops need to be regularly connected to the network (at least once a month) to make sure that they are still recognised and that all updates / patches can be applied. A number of practices have recently reported their laptops not working. These laptops were received and then stored in a cupboard and never switched on; as it has been more than 90 days they are no longer recognised on the network. These laptops now need to be collected and sent back to the engineers to be re-set as they can’t be fixed remotely. If your practice needs to arrange this please contact emma.corrigan3@nhs.net.