Bulletin 93 - 21 Aug 2020

Evaluation of Sunrise (Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS FT Electronic Patient Record)

The Sunrise Evaluation Team would be grateful if all primary care clinicians could complete this short survey to help support the evaluation of the access to Sunrise recently provided to practices. The aim of the survey is to understand if the access to Sunrise is being used, how useful it has been and how easy it is to access and use. Your individual responses will provide valuable insight and will be gratefully received.

Advance notice of anti-virus upgrades

Countywide IT Services are planning to move the existing antivirus platform to a new one. The migration is planned over two phases out of practice hours on the following dates: 

Phase 1 migration – Monday 24th August, 9.30pm 

Phase 2 migration – Monday 7th September, 9.30pm 

To ensure the migration is successful, practices are asked to ensure that all the devices at the practice are left switched ON over the planned migration dates and restarted first thing in the morning. Once the migration process is complete, devices at practices will need to be rebooted. Full details can be found on this link.

NHSMail Refresh is coming

NHSMail Refresh is underway with all users scheduled to be upgraded between August and December 2020. You will receive further communications when your scheduled upgrade date is approaching. If you are keen to find out more about the refresh and the new features of the platform, please visit: https://support.nhs.net/knowledge-base/refresh-user-guide/

Some users have reported receiving error messages when they first open Outlook following the upgrade. In most cases, this is resolved by following the prompts and logging into the portal https://portal.office.com. Support and guidance is available here.

Users with multi-factor authentication (MFA) enabled should follow the specific guidance here. There will be no change to your username and password, to the way you access email and to your helpdesk contact information.

Have your say on Microsoft Teams - reminder

The CCG would like to understand how MS Teams is being used to support remote working in practices. Your feedback will help us ensure we are able to continue to support you in the coming months. If you haven’t already done so, please complete the survey here (it should take no more than 5-10 minutes).

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