Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Daily Briefing for General Practice - May 2020

Friday 29 May 2020-Bulletin 68 Microsoft Teams update Click Here to View..........

Tuesday 26 May 2020_Bulletin 67 Digital Contractual Targets webinar, Thursday 28th May 4:30pm Click Here to View..........

Wednesday 20th May 2020_Bulletin 65 Equipment for in-practice video consultations and social distancing Click Here to View..........

Monday 18th May 2020_Bulletin 64 NHS Digital update for practice managers  
This update from NHS Digital gives a helpful update on issues which are either COVID-19 related or are necessary for the maintenance of services.  GPES data collection will reduce burden on GP practices, e-RS can now be used for more routine referrals ClickHere to View……….

Wednesday 13th May 2020_Bulletin 62 Laptops and associated equipment, Health and Social Care Networks update, FAO TPP practices only – to support bulk upload of Summary Care Records (AIs) Click Here to View..........

Wednesday 6th May 2020_Bulletin 60 Clinical Advice and Assessment Service (CCAS) update,  GP Access to GHNHSFT’s Electronic Patient Record (EPR), IT Support for General Practice, Cyber update – to click or not to click Click Here to View..........

Monday 4th May 2020_Bulletin 59 Advance notice of Integrated Clinical Environment (ICE) upgrade, Registration Authority (Smartcard) support for coronavirus, NHS mail for social care providers Click Here to View..........