Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Daily Briefing for General Practice - April 2020

Friday 1st May 2020_Bulletin 58 Total triage – implementation guides Click Here to View..........

Thursday 30th April 2020_Bulletin 57 Remote working – smart speakers, EPS Phase 4 Microsoft Teams Meeting: EMIS practices Click Here to View..........

Tuesday 28th April 2020_Bulletin 55 Privacy notices - Summary Care Record Additional Information,  Keeping our practices and IT safe,  Total Triage/eConsult - Devon peer support meeting for GPs Click Here to View..........
Monday 27th April 2020_Bulletin 54 Summary Care Record – Additional Information, GP Access to GHNHSFT’s Electronic Patient Record (EPR), NHS App update for repeat prescriptions Click Here to View..........

Friday 24th April 2020_Bulletin 53 Current issue with internet usage on work computers Click Here to View..........

Thursday 23rd April 2020_Bulletin 52 CCAS update Click Here to View..........

Tuesday 21st April 2020_Bulletin 50 GP Access to GHNHSFT’s Electronic Patient Record (EPR), Electronic Prescription Service (EPS) Phase 4 now available for EMIS practices Click Here to View..........

Monday 20th April 2020_Bulletin 49 Health and Social Care Networks update (HSCN) Click Here to View..........

Friday 17th April 2020_Bulletin 48 Implementing total digital triage and online consultations Click Here to View..........

Thursday 16th April 2020_Bulletin 47 Guidance on setting up CCAS on clinical systems Click Here to View..........

Wednesday 15th April 2020_Bulletin 46 Previous IT communications articles available online, Smartcard issues Click Here to View..........

Tuesday 14th April 2020_Bulletin 45 Privacy notice for practices to adopt Click Here to View..........

Monday 13th April 2020_Bulletin 44 Cinapsis Post Event Messages Click Here to View..........

Friday 10th April 2020_Bulletin 43 CCAS and GP Connect, Remote working in primary care Click Here to View..........

Tuesday 7th April 2020_Bulletin 40 Data Protection Officer Newsletter Click Here to View..........

Monday 6th April 2020_Bulletin 39 Practice Webinars, ReSPECT and Advance Care Planning amidst Covid-19 
Click Here to View..........

Friday 3rd April 2020_Bulletin 38 ICE and Remote Access, Microsoft Teams new features: Teams Dial In Click Here to View..........

Thursday 2nd April 2020_Bulletin 37 GP Connect Booking Config for C-CAS - Guidance Webinars for Practices Click Here to View..........

Wednesday 1st April 2020_Bulletin 36 Microsoft Teams Support and Guidance Click Here to View..........